Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Wallpaper] Lotte DFS March Calendar

crediits: Lotte Duty Free
To Download different sizes here: Official Website

[Feb. 28, 2013] @jksjapan twitter

@jksjapan:Tattoo on  KOBE day 2!!!!

@jksjapan: Tattoo !! Tattoo!! Starting Soon.

[Feb. 28. 2013] @treeJ_company twitter


 @treeJ_company: [TEAM H] Undisclosed 15th video have been uploaded. JKS official YouTube channel, check it out.

 @treeJ_company:2013 TEAM-H PARTY TOUR 02.28 Kobe the last day!

 @treeJ_company:2013 TEAM-H PARTY TOUR Thank you bye bye Kobe!

Prince_JKS twitter

@AsiaPrince_JKS :  This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @followjyp @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @psy_oppa  This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS@BoAkwon @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS@zosun_hi @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @Fun_Duk @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @cherry4eva84 @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @sigstyle1023 @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @stephk1016 @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @ssinz @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @FtGtJH @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS: @skullhong @AsiaPrince_JKS This is Team H Party !!!

@AsiaPrince_JKS:Please show boss your bikini to regain strength!!!!!!!!!

[Pics] Jang Keun Suk Team H party Fashion

credit as marked

Red plaid pants Adidas Originals x Jeremy Scott 2013 spring and summer

Nigel Fever Mens Boxer 
pattern: Bandana Paisley 
Color: Black / Yellow 
Price : 3500 yen.

The rehearsal clothes the PHILIPP PLEIN 2013 spring and summer new t-shirt "skull banner"
 color : Neon Pink 
Price: £ 150 (pounds)

[Feb. 28, 2013] Team H / JKS Ameblo

Update: pics added

2013-02-28 01:32:15

# 2! ! ! ! ! !

 TEAM H album Ranked # 2 at Oricon Daily chart

Congratulations, Party! !
This must remain for weekly chart
Zyo ~ ~ Zikzin! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
It was fun a Party in Kobe! !

I want to play with more people
Come to TEAM H Party!
Best regards!

2013-02-28 12:21:44 (cr.tenshi_akuma)
What is Team H? 15

If I have another great time tonight,
I’m thinking of tearing my T-shirt again!!!!!!!


Please show your bikini to Boss who’s regaining the strength!!!!!!!!!!!

[Weibo Compilation] Team H Party in Kobe

shared @ weibo

translated by lolohk

*Today many eels wore swim suits. BB said sex girl (tongue lick)
*JKS told BB "Fu*king" XDDD
* Very Very Very sexy ..... (Means many eels wore sexy suits today....JKS's reached his wishes -_-)
*JKS wore headscarf n Red Diamond Tears Edge On-Ear Headphones.

*JKS said perhaps will add more Team H parties in other places (maybe in JP only.)
*JKS didn't take off all clothes in encore. (-_- He said "he will do" on Twitter b4 party started)
  (JKS doesn't wanna show his fat belly,does he?)
*She said tonight party was fantastic and excited, better than the first show a lot.

[Pics-4] Team H party in Hiroshima

credit as marked + lolohk

Jang Keun Suk's Team H Album, Simultaneous Release in Japan and China

source: osen

[Osen News] Jang Keun Suk's duo group Team H's first studio album was released simultaneously today (27th) in Japan and Greater China.

Today, project group Team H's first album 'I Just Wanna Have Fun' was released, with Team H being composed of actor Jang Keun Suk and producer / singer Big Brother. Team H presents electronic-oriented musicality to pursue music which can be enjoyed worldwide.

Team H's first Asia Tour started in Hiroshima last February 23rd and 24th, which excited 10,000 audience in their public performance.  Team H's first album has a title song 'What is Your Name?', a cool track, and in addition, 'Feel the Beat', which contains three versions, included as a special.

Team H music activities were held as a result of the warm support in Asia, which also lead to their enthusiastic recording of three versions of the album.

The album includes the heart-thumping sexy bit title track 'I Just Wanna Have Fun', the impressive gliding rap of Jang Keun Suk in 'Party Tonight',  a blend of rock and electronic music song 'Rock and Roll Tonight', a storm bounce called 'Liquor Shot''Welcome to My World' which takes on a dreamlike atmosphere, Jang Keun Suk's charming voice and ear-catching track in 'Beautiful Change' is also included, making up the 12-track album.

The Lounge H: The First Impression album was on sale in Japan last year, and secured the No. 3 spot in the Oricon Weekly Chart. The mini album contains tracks of great popularity such as 'Can't Stop' and 'Gotta Getcha' and are now remastered so you can feel the distinct Team H color more in this album.

The album has a DVD set version which comes with 2 music videos, and behind-the-scene footages, 
which can be collectible for Team H fans.

Team H released its EP album in 2011 gaining much popularity throughout Asia and Greater China. In 2012, their album ranked third in the Oricon Weekly Chart and they also participated in UMF Korea and Summer Sonic Festivals. This time, they simultaneously released their album in Japan and Greater China, of which another craze is expected. 

Meanwhile, their first studio album is released today. Also today, 27th and on 28th, Jang Keun Suk and Big Brother are on set for their second '2013 Team H Party - I Just Wanna Have Fun' show in Kobe, Japan. Then on March 6 and 7 in Hokkaido, followed by March 12 and 13 in Chiba, March 16 in Shanghai, March 23 in Thailand, April 4 in Taiwan, and in other Asian countries, with schedules to follow.  

Original Korean Article below: 

[OSEN=윤가이 기자] 배우 장근석의 프로젝트 그룹 'Team-H(팀에이치)'의 첫 정규앨범이 오늘(27일) 일본과 중화권에 동시 발매 된다.

오늘 전격 발매되는 프로젝트 그룹 'Team H'의 첫 정규앨범 'I just wanna have fun'은 장근석과 촉망받는 프로듀서이자 아티스트인 Big Brother가 열정을 담은 앨범. 일레트로닉 음악을 지향하는 그룹 'Team H'의 음악성은 물론 재미있게 즐길 수 있는 음악을 추구하는 그들의 세계관이 녹아있다. 

이번 첫 정규 앨범에는 지난 23,24일 히로시마에서 시작된 'Team H'의 첫 투어 공연에서 미리 공개되어 1만 명의 관객을 열광케한 타이틀곡이자 가장 'Team H'스러운 트랙 ‘What is your name?’과 대중성을 가미한 ‘Feel the beat’ 두 타이틀 곡이 한, 중, 일 3가지 버전으로 수록되어 특별함을 더하고 있다. 

이는 그간 'Team H'의 음악활동에 보내준 아시아의 뜨거운 열기에 보답하고 더욱 가까이 다가가고자 하는 마음이 담겼으며, 두 사람 모두 굉장히 즐겁게 한, 중, 일 세 가지 버전을 녹음 했다는 후문이다.

타이틀 곡을 비롯 심장을 뛰게 만드는 섹시한 비트의 ‘I just wanna have fun’, 미끄러지듯 쏟아내는 장근석의 랩이 인상적인 곡 ‘Party tonight’, 락과 일레트로닉의 환상조화가 돋보이는 곡 ‘Rock and roll tonight’, 폭풍 바운스를 부르는 ‘Liquor shot’, 몽환적 분위기에 취하게 만드는 ‘Welcome to my world’, 장근석의 매력적인 목소리가 귀를 사로잡는 트랙 ‘Beautiful change’ 등 몸을 들썩이게 하는 총 12트랙이 담겨있다.

여기에 작년 일본에서 발매되어 오리콘 위클리 3위를 기록했던 'Lounge H The first impression' 미니앨범에 수록되어 큰 인기를 모은 ‘Can't stop’, ‘Gotta getcha’의 리마스터 버전까지 담겨있어 'Team H'만의 컬러를 더욱 물씬 느낄 수 있는 앨범. 

초회 한정반 특전 DVD에는 타이틀 곡 2곡의 컬러풀한 뮤직비디오와 신나는 촬영 비하인드를 담아 장근석과 'Team H'의 색다른 모습을 볼 수 있어 팬들의 소장가치를 높이고 있다.
특히 'Team H'는 2011년 중화권 첫 EP앨범 발매 이후 아시아 전역에 돌풍을 일으키며 등장, 2012년 오리콘 위클리 3위를 기록하는 기염을 토한 바 있으며, ‘유엠에프 코리아 (UMF KOREA) 2012’, ‘섬머소닉(Summer Sonic) 2012’ 등 세계 페스티벌 참가로 세계적으로 주목받고 있는 만큼 이번에 일본과 중화권에 동시 발매된 정규앨범이 또 한 번의 열풍을 불러일으킬 것으로 기대되고 있다. 

한편 첫 정규앨범이 발매되는 오늘 27일과 28일 양일간 장근석과 Big Brother는 ‘2013 TEAM H PARTY – I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN’ 투어의 두 번째 도시 일본 고베 공연을 이어가며, 3월 6,7일 홋카이도, 3월 12,13일 치바, 3월 16일 상해, 3월 23일 태국, 4월 4일 대만 등의 아시아권을 들썩이게 만들 예정이다.


[Article] Jang Keun Suk's Team H Album to Drop in Japan and China

source: enewsworld

Jang Keun Suk and Big Brother of Team H are ready to have some fun, releasing their new album, I Just Wanna Have Funin both Japan and China on February 27. 
Collaborating together as Team H, Jang Keun Suk and producer/artist Big Brother will drop new electronic music on fans in its new 12-track album, which includes What is Your Name, Party TonightRock and Roll TonightLiquor ShotWelcome to My WorldBeautiful Change as well as Korean, Japanese and Chinese versions of Feel the Beat. 

Team H already threw a huge party of a concert in Hiroshima on February 23 to 24 with 10,000 people in attendance. 

The project group will continue its party tour, 2013 Team H Party - I Just Wanna Have Fun in Kobe on February 27 and 28. 

credit: vt @ theeelsfamily

[audio] Jang Keun Suk-Team H Radio Message on8 2/27

credit: SogiTV804Marimo

[Feb. 27, 2013] @jksjapan twitter

@jksjapan: Today’s Boss tattoo!!!! Everyone, look forward to seeing him~

@jksjapan: Tattoo!!!! Do you wanna see his face?

@jksjapan: Soon their live in Kobe will start!!!! See his face in person~!!!!

credit: tenshi_akuma @ jangkeunsukforever

[ENG-SUB] Chichimpuipui_20130227

Credits: ruky mi
English translation: tenshi_akuma @ jangkeunskforever/JKSEngTranslationJP2

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[Pics] Team H "I Just Wanna Have Fun" Album

source: Topstarnews

[Lyrics] Team H- "Beautiful Change"

Beautiful Change (Fr. I Just wanna Have Fun album)

Living in a world 
facing all the walls 
forget about the one 
running in a cave 
walking through the darkness 
always no way out 
beautiful world 
beautiful change 
loveless drifter waiting you (drifter waiting you) 
beautiful world 
beautiful change 
why not give the love tonight 
what you waiting for 
Living in a world 
facing all the fears 
making higher fences 
open up your mind 
get your arms wide open 
you will find the one 
beautiful world 
beautiful change 
loveless drifter waiting you 
beautiful world 
beautiful change 
why not give the love tonight 

beautiful world 
beautiful change 
loveless drifter waiting you 
beautiful world 
beautiful change 
what you waiting for 
what you waiting for 
what you waiting for 
what you waiting for 
what you waiting for 
don't fear to get together my name 
can make the harmony yeah my name 
easy to change your life yeah my name 
This will be happy ending my name

original post: HERE

[Pics-3 + video] Team H Party in Hiroshima



credit as marked

[Info] Team H Album Launch at Astrovision Glorietta (Phillipines)

source: Astroplus @ FB
For more details: HERE

EELS! It's your turn to HAVE FUN! See you all at Astrovision Glorietta 2 on March 2, 2013. Selling starts 10:00 am!

EELs Philippines * Jang Geun Suk Philippines * JANG KEUN SUK PH * Warner Music Philippines

[Feb 27, 2013] @bigbrothersound & treeJ_company twitter

 @bigbrothersound:  Team H album I Just wanna Have Fun released!!!!!!!

@bigbrothersound: FEEL THE BEAT(japanese ver) MV check!!!

@treeJ_company: [TEAM H] Undisclosed 14th video has been uploaded. JKS official YouTube channel, check it out.

 @treeJ_company: 2013 TEAM-H PARTY TOUR 02.27 Kobe Start! 

 @treeJ_company: 2013 TEAM-H PARTY TOUR 02.27 Kobe the first day!

[Feb.27, 2013] Team H / JKS Ameblo

credit: tenshi_akuma @ jangkeunsukforever

2013-02-27 11:23:06
NICO NICO decided to webcast Team H pary in Kobe!!!
News flash!!!
TEAM H PARTY in Kobe (Feb. 27th)
will be webcast on Feb. 28th, at 22:30!!!!!.
You’ll regret if you miss it!!!!!!
Click here for more info about the webcast of TEAM H PARTY in Kobe!
 note: I’m so sorry but “this program is not available outside of Japan.” :’( 

2013-02-27 12:01:43
What is Team H? 14
Finally TEAM H album is released!!!!!!
However…… The reality is………………………..
Ni…. Nice to meet you……….

[translation of the video]
JKS: Our album will be released next week. To promote it, I’m interviewing with many people. Have you ever heard Team H? Have you known Actor Jang Keun Suk?
Guest A: Honestly, I’ve known little. Well, not familiar with his face…
JKS: Who’s your favorite artists?
Guest B: BOA and Beast?
JKS: Very few know Team H. So we started Ameba Blog (Ameblo).
Guest A: To tell the truth, the image of your music I imagined before hearing was totally different.
JKS: I know what you mean.
Guest A: Very different. I imagined that is more like a music middle-aged women prefer. I thought every K-pop music are similar, but I was wrong. It’s like a bad boy music.
JKS: Do you have a girlfriend?
Guest C: Yes.
JKS: You have? Why don’t you come with your girlfriend?
Guest C: Wait for a second. Isn’t this a dream? OMG…
JKS: That’s all.

 note: “Hajimememasite” means “Nice to meet you.” But the spelling was wrong T_T… Not, “Hajimamsite”… T_T

2013-02-27 17:44:26
If there are many bikini girls in Team H Kobe party today,
I’m thinking of tearing my clothes.