Jang Keun Suk in the May 1 broadcast of KBS CoolFM "VerbalJint the Popspops" radio show, explained the reasons for his commitment to overseas activities. Jang Keun Suk has mainly expanded overseas as a singer and with other diverse activities, he has also won the "Prince of Asia" reputation, especially in Japan where he has a high popularity. However, in South Korea he is mainly expanding activities in acting, and is not launched as a singer.
Moderator VerbalJint (Singer) recommended that Jang Keun Suk conduct activities in Korea. Jang Keun Suk said: "Already (in Korea) I am not liked much. If I dance I'll be even more objectionable. Also, just quietly acting is good!" Then they laughed. He went on to say: "Earlier this year, through the documentary my image had improved, but recently it went back to its original position."
In addition, Jang Keun Suk also talked about his next work, he said: "To be honest, my next work has fans very curious! " In fact, I have decided to star in something, but I have not officially sealed the contract, so I can not tell you!" the fans are looking forward to the return of the works of Jang Keun Suk.
bnt新闻讯 韩国演员兼歌手张根硕在广播节目中谈及个人形象问题,引起关注。
张根硕在5月1日播出的KBS CoolFM《VerbalJint的Popspops》广播节目中,解释了致力于海外活动的理由。至今张根硕主要在海外展开歌手等多样活动,因此还获得了“亚洲王子”的美称,特别是在日本拥有超高的人气。不过在韩国却主要展开演戏活动,没有正式展开过歌手活动。
此外,张根硕还谈及下一部作品,他说:“说实话,我的下一部作品粉丝们也很好奇!”“其实已决定出演,不过还没有正式在合约书上盖章,所以还不能告诉大家!”令粉丝们对张根硕的回归作品充满期待。bnt新闻/供稿 金鑫/文 KBS/图
credits: theeelsfamily