Jang Keun Suk has become a very important person in my life since June of 2011 when I saw him for the first time in You Are Beautiful. Let me tell you something, my first encounter with him was bad, because I didn't like how he looked (clothes and make-up) in the drama, so I had a little battle with myself for accepting him and he won that battle. (Congratulations!) I am not an easy person to please, but when I heard his voice talking, heard him singing and saw his acting skills I was trapped in his charms like a spider in a web.
It was a bittersweet change in my life because he hit me so hard that now he is part of my family, he is present in all of my life like an alien from another planet. I laugh when he is happy, cry when I suspect he is crying or suffering and I am not alone in that. I am a member of the The Eels Family, ECI Club and Jangkeunsuk Forever blog and those girls and a few boys are the same as me, there are people from many countries of the world that admire him for his dedication and talents.
Don’t misunderstand me if I say I love him, yes I do, but more like a motherly love, but of course I find him handsome. I have a soft heart, but for me love means loyalty and understanding. I try to support him as much as possible, some call me a crazy ahjuma since I started to be an eel, but I don’t care. I know sometimes some eels are very demanding and say bad things to him and don’t permit him to have privacy. I hope they did that because they love him too much and don’t want him to make mistakes, or maybe they are new eels and young and don’t know how to cope with some issues that an artist has, or maybe they think he is a toy or a robot without feelings. Eels, don’t be mad at me for saying that because sometimes it is true, some eels are like that, but they are so far from what is true, he is a human like us and can do all the things that we do.
He is a sensitive person with a lot of love to share, he is a hard working person who fought for twenty years for be in the place that he is now and I know some people don’t recognize that, but others like me did. I am not an important person in this world and he doesn't even know about me, but I know other people who did it too.
So, Jang Keun Suk, please always be strong.
Try to smile more, maybe you didn't notice, but when you smile other people are happy. When you sing, dance, and act, people are happy. Don’t take the negative comments too hard, love yourself for what you are and if you make any mistakes or hurt someone's heart on the road, just forgive yourself because you are still young and only a human that is not perfect and can make mistakes all the time. Please when you suffer, don’t suffer alone; permit the people that love you to be with you in those dark moments that all of us have.
I hope these words help you a little to warm up your heart and soul, I hope too that eels will be more careful and understanding towards him. When you want to express something to him, he reads your comments and will be sad if you say words that hurt him, yes because his heart is not made of steel.
I love you, Jang Keun Suk and hope you have the success and inner peace that you deserve. Fighting.
By E.N. with the collaboration of L.Y. and N.L.