Sunday, January 27, 2013

[Jan. 27, 2013] treeJ staff twitter

@codeinconnu: Audio source is valuable assets for artists. I understand eels are tempting to hear without doubt, but, if you upload them in public such as YouTube, there is a risk exploited commercially by not eels. That makes Big Brother sad. Those who recorded it on the radio, please keep it private. Those who are interested, please ask your friends to share : )

@codeinconnu; Soon the full version PV is coming out and we start to promote it in each country ㅡ On Feb. 20th, the same day as the album release, you can get it on iTunes, too. Please have a high expectation of it!!
@codeinconnu; 24th on the radioㅡTOKYO FM "シナプス"(synapse) (13:00-16:00) Feel the beat ㅡ bayfm "ON8" (20:00-21:30) What is your name? ㅡ ON8 happy report!
credit: tenshi_akuma @ jangkeunsukforever + thentcat @ theeelsfamily

About Radio Report;(credit; megadancarina)

And today's Super Special Request Hour know what!...

In this ON8 today, as aired for the first time in the universe,

TEAM Hの『What is your name(Japanese ver.)』が、3回もかかりました!
TEAM H's "What is your name (Japanese ver.)" was played 3 times!!

Because, because...after we played it first time, All over Japan Eels (Jang Keun Suk Fan folks) sent huge numbers of "Replay Request" !

I as well as ON8 Staffs were really surprised!

Moreover, we have read emails from them and found out; when the music was on-aired, Jang Keun Suk-san's Dinner show was going on. The listeners of ON8 were the one who could not win Dinner Show competition.

I, Sana (Female DJ's name) felt united with those Japan Eels today.

After ON8, I have read the rest of emails that I could not finish during the program.

Look, All Japan Eels,

I appreciate really really your heart-warming emails for us.

credit: thenatcat @ theeelsfamily
Together, I want to scream again in one voice,
"What is your name(Japanese ver.)!! "

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