Friday, December 21, 2012

World Prince #JangKeunSuk on International Herald Tribune, 12-22-12

credits: aphrael @ jangkeunsukforever

World Prince #JangKeunSuk on International Herald Tribune, 12-22-12
pic credit: kikimon / @eelsproduction
printed ad photo credit: rienne

Eels what a labor of love!! It has been an incredible journey that started as only a dream.  Eels thought...what if we could place Jang Keun Suk on a major international publication, wouldn't that be a dream come true?  But then we realized, why can't we do it?  Today that dream became a reality when international fan clubs from all over the world united together to place a full page ad in the December 22nd, 2012 issue of the International Herald Tribune for our World Prince!  Words cannot describe the feelings involved in finally seeing it in print.

As eels may remember, Sukkie sent out a special message involving this newspaper when he was in Paris back in July.  He filmed himself walking with a wine bottle in one hand and a copy of the International Herald Tribune in the other, while shouting "New York Herald Tribune!"  The choice of paper therefore, was not random.  If Jang Keun Suk's dream is to reach the world, then as his eels it is our duty to do whatever we can to make that happen.

The Eels Family is incredibly grateful and humbled to have been a part of this project and today we celebrate hand in hand with eels all over the world our love, devotion, and respect for Jang Keun Suk.  We wish him another 20 years of happiness, fulfillment, and success.  We stand by him now and we will stand by him as long as he wants us to.

Zikzin eels! 
To all the eels that helped make this happen, thank you! 

credits: vt & thenatcat @ theeelsfamily


Jang Keun Suk on International Herald TribuneJang Keun Suk on International Herald Tribune Newspaper!
“from South Korea to the WORLD
A new era beings
are you READY”
Yes! We are ready for Prince to become the World Prince!
Eels around the world have gathered together and prepared this very special 20th Anniversary of Debut Gift ~ A full page Ad on the International Herald Tribune Newspaper ~
It stared with a great idea from the Turkish eels “it will be great if we can buy Prince a newspaper ad in the US”, then the idea was shared with few eel clubs and within a month of time, we have gathered over 20 eel clubs around the world to participate in this event and we have raised the money to buy a full page ad on the International Herald Tribune newspaper. Together, we have done an amazing job!!!
At the beginning, I really didn’t think we will make it, but luckily we didn’t give up. With everyone’s help, we were able to achieve beyond our initial goal of a half page ad.
I want to say thank you to all of you that have contributed to this fundraising event. Special thanks to the beautiful eels that have gone the extra mile to make this a full page ad.
So, why International Herald Tribune Newspaper?
About 5 years ago, Jang KeunSuk had a personal page in Cyworld.
He wrote:
“If I ever go to Paris, I will visit Champs-Elysees with a bottle of wine in one hand and a newspaper in another hand and shout New York Herald Tribune!”
A lot of people made fun of his post and said he was just bluffing and his writings were full of metaphysical words. So he decided to close down his personal page. Unfortunately, most people didn’t know he was actually quoting a scene from a famous French movie “À bout de soufflé”. 
On July 13, 2012, Jang Keun Suk was in Paris and he tweeted:
“I can’t wait any longer! I don’t care it is raining; I feel my blood is boiling! I must go to Champs Élysées!!!”
Guess what?
He visited the famous Champs-Elysees with a bottle of wine in one hand and the International Herald Tribune newspaper in another hand and shouted: “New York Herald Tribune!”
He proved to the world, he wasn’t bluffing 5 years ago.
This is the reason why eels decided to purchase the ad on the International Herald Tribune, because it has a special meaning to him. 
So, do you also think this is a perfect gift to end our Prince’s 20th anniversary celebration?
Today is also December 22, 2012, it is the new era after “the end of the world”
And YES!!! We are ready for Jang Keun Suk to become the World Prince!
To find out more about what happened that day in Paris:

credits: Loveemlaugh@ worldprincejangkeunsuk

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