Saturday, January 19, 2013

[Jan. 19, 2013] @JKS_cri_j3 / treeJ staff twitter

credit: -vt- @ theeelsfamily
 @JKS_cri_j3:  [Airport Event] Come to the photo below the 3rd floor of the departure hall. ^^

 @JKS_cri_j3: [Airport Event] Jang Keun Suk eels swarmCome back to us safely after the first official schedule ^ ^ *

  @JKS_cri_j3: [Airport Event] Jang Keun Suk eels swarmWatch us, orderly eels ~ Thank you for your cooperation ^ ^

@codeinconnu: Never take a picture...Thank you (You know why!!)

 @minzzangde: 오늘 공항이벤트 감사합니다^^질서도 잘 지켜주시고, 멋진 빽드립 ㅠ 프린스 및 모든 스텝분들도 감동받고,무사히 잘 도착했다고해요.언제나 든든한 빽이 되어주시라 믿어요 ㅠ

 @minzzangde: 직접 못본게 아쉬울뿐

 @JKS_cri_j3: Many eels who are gathered at Gimpo Airport come to the 3rd floor of the departure hall ..Come join..^^!!!
@minzzangde: 모든 장어들은 프린스의 빽!월프의 장어들은 응원문구도 멋짐! 


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