Sunday, February 24, 2013

Article] Keun Suk, unit first tour will start

BIG BROTHER (right) and Jang Keun Suk was to expand the world of club music = Hiroshima Sun Plaza Hall

Korean actor Jang Keun Suk (25) on February 23, began music unit TEAM H's first Japan tour TEAM H PARTY, started in Hiroshima City at the Hiroshima Sunplaza Hall and proclaimed a "molting" from the Prince character.

A huge DJ booth was set up on stage. Geun-Chan, changed the venue to a big club space, showcasing as a DJ playing over 30 minutes live. In addition, from the album that will be released on the 27th, performed "Feel the beat" along with eight dancers and showed a nimble dance. Wowed the 5,000 fans with 22 songs.

As a solo singer and actor, he has the image of a cool prince, but this day he was transformed into "DJ geun-chan" saying "Today, Prince is over. From now on eels (referring to his fans) I am the boss." On the 27th and 28th at Kobe World Memorial Hall and on March 13th at Makuhari Messe, eight performances total in four cities.



BIG BROTHER(右)とクラブ音楽の世界を展開したチャン・グンソク=広島サンプラザホール拡大写真はこちら

韓国人俳優のチャン・グンソク(25)が23日、2人組音楽ユニット「TEAM H」の初の日本ツアー「TEAM H PARTY」を広島市の広島サンプラザホールでスタートさせ、王子さまキャラからの“脱皮”を宣言した。

ステージには巨大なDJブースを設置。グンちゃんは、ライブ中盤から約30分にわたってDJプレーを披露し、会場を巨大なクラブ空間に変えた。さらに、27日発売のアルバム「I just wanna have fun」に収録の「Feel the beat」などでは、ダンサー8人を引き連れて軽快なダンスも披露。22曲でファン5000人を熱狂させた。



credit: thenatcat@ theeelsfamily

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